Training Programmes

We believe employees are the best assets of a company. Human Capital plays a vital role in organizational growth as well as in sustainability. In order to keep this human assets update we provide trainings on many custom made programmes

Below are Halcyon’s Training Programmes

Quality Management

  1. Certificate course in quality management (10 days)
  2. Statistical Process Control
  3. Sampling and inspection techniques

Quality Management System

  1. Workshop on ISO 9001:2015 implementation at service sector
  2. Workshop on ISO 9001:2015 implementation in the manufacturing sector
  3. Workshop on ISO 9001:2015 internal auditor
  4. Workshop on strategic planning and understanding the organizational context and risk. How to develop risk mitigation plans

Productivity Improvements

  1. Workshop on 5S application and productivity and quality improvements
  2. Training program on application of seven quality control tools
  3. Training program on six sigma
  4. Training program on TMP
  5. Training program on lean

Environmental Management System

  1. Workshop on ISO 14001:2015 standard and implementation of environmental management system
  2. Workshop on ISO 14001:2015 Internal auditor
  3. Environmental legal requirements for industry
  4. Certificate program for environmental management (10 days)

Food Safety Management

  1. Certificate course in food safety management (10 days)
  2. Food hygiene training program for hotel industry (restaurants and catering establishments)
  3. Food hygiene training program for food manufacturing organization
  4. Food hygiene training program for primary packaging industry
  5. HACCP implementation work shop
  6. ISO 22000:2018 implementation work shop
  7. Workshop on ISO 22000:2018 internal auditor
  8. GMP for cosmetic industry

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

  1. Certificate course in occupational health and safety (10 days)
  2. ISO 45001:2018 implementation work shop
  3. Workshop on ISO 45001:2018 internal auditor
  4. Awareness course on behavior based safety study
  5. Basic safety orientation course for construction workers
  6. Basic safety orientation course for factory workmen
  7. Electrical safety
  8. Hazard and operability studies
  9. Hazard identification and risk assessments
  10. HSE regulatory framework for management personal
  11. Managing safety in workplace
  12. Orientation course for safety committee members
  13. Process safety management
  14. Safe lifting for riggers and crane operators
  15. Safety auditors course
  16. Safety in material handling
  17. Safety in scaffolding and working at heights
  18. Safety in storage, handling & transportation of hazardous chemicals
  19. Safety management for construction projects

Halcyon Training Partners

Conduct Training Programmes

In House Training

Leadership Training Programme

Public Training Programmes

Green Supply Chain Training Programme

Food safety training programme

HACCP training programme

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